PA Frechette's World

Friday, July 14, 2006

Gavin and Jake enjoying Harvey Lake.

Relaxing by the water.

Gavin and E.

"I'm coming, Uncle Ethan!"

...sharing a stick with Stella...

...posing by the flowers...

Down he goes.

"See ya, Dad." Gaving heading down the road.

Safe in the arms of Grandpa... in the arms of Stella.

Insert your own grunts and tractor noises here.

Jackson planning his ascent.

room for two between zerberts...

Grandpa getting things set up

boys and trains

"Get back here, train."

Jackson and Gavin in action.

...playing with Ethan and Cee Cee...

...studying something while Zoe looks on...

...trying to play with a Kingsbury bus...

Gavin enjoying the scenery and the food.

"Mmmm, ice cream. Baseball is good, ice cream is better."

The crew in Reading. Jake wanted to be in the picture so badly, he stuck his finger in.

Katie, Nana, and Gavin waiting to go watch the Reading Phillies. Poppa Fin is trying to make sure he's not in the picture.